Bascis of Arduino and its description.
It is a microcontroller which can control both analog and digital signal according the program uploaded in it.The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards or breadboards.Basically you could send your desired signal to the desired location.We can connect several input devices like sensors,touchpad,keypad etc. with other input devices like display,speaker,motors,led etc. Several types of arduino are available in the market like:-
(i)Arduino UNO R3
(ii)Arduino lilypad
(iii)Arduino Mega
(iv)Arduino Robot
(v)Arduino UNO R2 etc.
Discussing about Arduino UNO R3 ,
It is a microconroller .It has 14 digital pins(0-13) followed by a GND(ground) and 6 analog pins(A0-A5) followed by two GND and one 5V and one 3.3V and Vin. The pins can be used
for connection with both input and output devices.The power can be provided to the arduino using both USB or can be through any battery also.There is also one reset button in the board which restarts the program uploaded on the board from beginning.
It is a microcontroller which can control both analog and digital signal according the program uploaded in it.The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards or breadboards.Basically you could send your desired signal to the desired location.We can connect several input devices like sensors,touchpad,keypad etc. with other input devices like display,speaker,motors,led etc. Several types of arduino are available in the market like:-
(i)Arduino UNO R3
(ii)Arduino lilypad
(iii)Arduino Mega
(iv)Arduino Robot
(v)Arduino UNO R2 etc.
Discussing about Arduino UNO R3 ,
It is a microconroller .It has 14 digital pins(0-13) followed by a GND(ground) and 6 analog pins(A0-A5) followed by two GND and one 5V and one 3.3V and Vin. The pins can be used
for connection with both input and output devices.The power can be provided to the arduino using both USB or can be through any battery also.There is also one reset button in the board which restarts the program uploaded on the board from beginning.
arduino uno r3
the software for operating arduino is easily available at One can easily dowload it from there and use it for uploading programs to the microcontroller board.
You could follow the steps shown below.
finnaly you could install it and then run it.
Follow the steps.
Connect the USB cable with the pc and arduino board.Then write the program and upload it .Following the steps.
finnaly the program will be uploaded if it is compiled properly.And the effect can finnaly be observed at the input and output devices connected to arduino.
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